Kostenloser Musterversand (innerhalb EU)
100% natürliche Steinoberfläche
Über 70 Dekore verfügbar
Das Original seit 2002

What do I do if my order arrives damaged?

If your goods have arrived damaged and this damage is already visible from the outside, please have this acknowledged by the driver.
If the package shows external damage and you are not sure whether something is damaged, please also have the driver confirm this.

Afterwards, carefully check the goods for possible defects or damage and then please contact our internal sales department immediately: sales@slate-lite.com.
It is best to attach photos of the damage (material and packaging).

You also have the option of refusing to accept parcels / pallets if damage is already visible.
If you would still like to receive the goods, please contact us directly so that we can send new goods to you.

Wir sind für Sie da!