Kostenloser Musterversand (innerhalb EU)
100% natürliche Steinoberfläche
Über 70 Dekore verfügbar
Das Original seit 2002

How is Slate-Lite processed?

The basic processing of Slate-Lite is done in four simple steps:
1) Cut Slate-Lite to size (if necessary).
2) Impregnate or seal depending on where it is to be applied.
3) Apply suitable adhesive over the entire surface of the wall or the back of the stone sheet.
4) Position Slate-Lite at the desired location and press into place.

Detailed processing instructions can be found in our shop in the "Processing" section as well as in our data sheets.

Processing instructions for Slate-Lite as PDF: [DOWNLOAD]
Processing instructions for UltraThin eco+ as PDF: [DOWNLOAD]
Processing instructions for Translucent as PDF: [DOWNLOAD]

Would you like to learn directly from us how to process Slate-Lite perfectly? Then book your Slate-Lite workshop with us today!
For more information and to register for our workshop, please click here: [Registration Workshop]

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