Kostenloser Musterversand (innerhalb EU)
100% natürliche Steinoberfläche
Über 70 Dekore verfügbar
Das Original seit 2002

Sample Set Cashback

Conserving natural resources is close to our hearts and we put a lot of effort into recycling and reusing as many materials as possible.
For this reason, we would like to offer you the opportunity to return your Slate Lite samples to us if you no longer need them!
This way we can make your samples available to other customers and have fewer new samples to produce.

*)Of course we will refund the purchase price after receiving the returned, intact and complete samples. You only bear the costs of returning the samples to us.
*) The samples must be completely intact and undamaged in order to receive a refund. Sample sets must also be complete, with no decor missing from the set. All returned samples will be checked by us for integrity and completeness upon receipt. We will then contact you to clarify the details of the refund.

Return samples to: R&D GmbH (Slate-Lite), Boschstraße 12, 53359 Rheinbach, Germany. For customers from the USA: Inc. Slate-Lite North America, Nelson Lacruz, 1620 Camerbur Dr, US 32805 Orlando

If possible, please enclose your customer number and invoice number with the samples and note the reference "SAMPLE RETURN" on the shipment.

Wir sind für Sie da!