Kostenloser Musterversand (innerhalb EU)
100% natürliche Steinoberfläche
Über 70 Dekore verfügbar
Das Original seit 2002

Can I use Slate-Lite on the floor?

Flooring projects are always carried out at the discretion of the installer. 
 Many successful flooring projects have been completed with Slate-Lite in the past, but we cannot guarantee its use as a floor covering. 
If you wish to use Slate-Lite as a floor covering, we recommend sealing the stone veneers with our "Slate-Lite Extreme Protection". 
When bonding over old tiles, you should fill existing joints beforehand, as otherwise the old joint pattern could show through over time. 
 Our "UltraThin eco+" product range is expressly excluded from use as flooring!

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